
We are always looking for new members to join our team, including graduate students and postdocs. If you are interested in joining the lab, please send Jared a description of your research interests, names and contacts for two references and a CV.


Mailing Address

Office: BSBW 412
Lab: BSBW 415

424 Nagle Street
3258 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843

On the map.


  • Lab: N/A
  • Office: N/A
  • Fax: N/A

Design and Implementation

This site was built directly from Trevor Bedford’s beautiful site, with further modifications based on those done by Allan Drummond for the Drummond Lab website. Some code was also borrowed from Premal Shah and the Greene Lab.

The site is built using Jekyll, a static site generator that converts markdown files into html. The site is hosted on GitHub Pages, which automatically builds the site from the source code whenever a change is pushed to the repository. Layouts are designed using Bootstrap, a responsive front-end framework for web development. The site is styled using Sass, and uses Google Fonts for the font, Open Sans.

The site’s source code is freely available on GitHub. All code is placed under the MIT license. You’re welcome to borrow / repurpose code to build your own site, and if you do, I’d appreciate attribution and a link back to Trevor’s original site.