I have had issues getting the ruby preview to run on multiple computers. Inspired by and directly building off of the Greene Lab Website Template, I built a docker container to run the website locally. In the process, I also made a clean break from the original Bedford lab website so that we didn’t accidently try and push to it. Also, its 1700 commits were taking up 1GB of space.

  1. Install Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
  2. Run the following command in the terminal to build the docker container: bash ./.docker/run.sh
  3. Wait for docker to build the container and start the server.
  4. The website should be available to preview at http://localhost:4000

Welcome, I am starting the Bard lab website! I am including some notes on how I built the website, both for my own references and to hopefully help other people who want to copy this template.

I did my postdoc with Allan Drummond, so my first instinct was to copy his website. However, the bones of the Drummond Lab website were built with jekeyl-bootstrap, a project that is no longer actively developed. Meanwhile, the Bedford Lab website, which was the original inspiration for the Drummond Lab website, was upgraded to Bootstrap 4. I therefore decided to start with that as my template.

To host the website on github pages (which will allow for automatic version control), I created an organization in github with my personal github as the owner. I first made a fork of Trevor’s github, which he generously has kept available under the MIT license. Following github pages instructions, I named my project jbardlab.github.io.

I downloaded a clone of the github to my computer, and then removed all of the Bedford Lab specific content. I liked the bottom navbar from the Drummond lab website, so I copied that over from the Drummond Lab default lab template. Then I used chatGPT to update the navbar to Bootstrap 4.6 standards, and cleaned up the layout templates a little by separating out the pieces into separate html files in the _includes folder.

I was getting a bunch of warnings about division operations in bootstrap scss files. In order to fix them, I redownloaded bootstrap source files.

I modified the papers page and format to be a hybrid of the Bedford lab and Drummond lab style.

I borrowed the research template from Premal Shah.